Monday, June 24, 2013

Body Earned

I've been asked some questions about the Body Earned Program, so I've copied below some information that James sent me to share. I'm on week 2 of the program, and I absolutely love it. The workouts are challenging and quick, and so far my calorie burns have all been over 450 in about an hour. 

The workouts are progressive in that they start out with circuit training for a couple weeks to either acclimate the body to the exercises OR for those that have been over training to allow muscle to get a rest and repair while still being able to maintain what they have! Each week the intensity slowly progresses and allows for better body response to the exercises. I incorporate active rests to keep the heart rate up and help shed fat. The first 5 weeks are only 4 days a week training and then from weeks 6-12, it is 5 days working out. Most people are in and out of the gym (or basement) in 50-60 minutes.
After 5 weeks we move into body part training for the other 6 weeks. We still incorporate active rests, but focus on tightening and toning the muscles in the entire body, while still shedding body fat. I invite you to a group page with many others doing this, where I engage in support as well as many others, we help motivate each other and we help answer questions. I give guidance with nutrition as that is very important and you get tons of support to help you get to your goals!
For nutrition, I provide a nutrition template that outlines what a typical day may look like. A caloric intake needs guide as we all have different needs and a recommended foods guide so you may swap "like" foods in and out as you please. I am also available in private message to help with your nutritional needs.
I use for the transactions so that it protects both of us. This is a certified website for transactions that will provide receipts for both of us. Once I see payment has been posted, I will email you the workout documents and the link to the workout group here on FB.
Log in, click the send funds tab, it will ask you where to send payment. You send it to this email address:
The "At home" version costs- $55
The Gym Based version costs- $50
For both versions- $60

Both programs come with 12 weeks of workouts, Nutrition guidance, recommended supplements, cardio recommendation and support.

In the notes portion of payment, please let me know what email is best to send the workouts to.
Sample workouts:

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