Thursday, November 14, 2013

Spaghetti Squash with a Twist.

Something amazing happened in my kitchen on Tuesday night. I was in a "new recipe" slump for a while, and it almost seems like I'm out of it. I had leftover spaghetti sauce in the freezer that I took out to have with dinner in the usual arrangement - spaghetti squash for me, penne for Lee. 
The squash was particularly small so I only left it in the oven for about 20 minutes at 425. It wasn't as soft as it usually was, but this was for the best. I scraped out the squash and put it in a pan with a bit of garlic and olive oil to saute (I seem to be doing this a lot lately). I tossed it with a bunch of spices (chili powder, onion powder, pepper) and let it brown a bit. 
Before adding the spaghetti sauce to the squash, I added a spoonful of tahini on a whim. Best. Idea. Ever. After adding the sauce to it, it ended up so creamy and delicious. I already want more!

Would it be helpful for me to post a basic spaghetti sauce recipe? 


  1. LOL omg i JUST did a post on spaghetti squash as well!! #mealtwins!
