Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Don't let a bad day turn into a bad week.

Monday started off awkward and frustrating. I woke up at 4:20am just like every other day, dragged myself out of bed, and headed to the gym. By the time I got there I was excited for a good workout - until I realized the gym was CLOSED. I just switched to working out at the location close to my house instead of close to work last week, and I didn't realize that this gym didn't open until 5:30am on Mondays. I need to start my workout by 5:00am in order to get to work on time, so I headed back home with three options:

1. Wait it out and go at 5:30
2. Get my stuff together and drive to the location near work. 
3. Get ready for work and head to the gym later in the day. 

I opted to head right to work - and got there at 6:15am. I spent almost all day trying to convince myself that it was okay to skip the gym after work. My whole day was thrown off since I missed my morning workout and I was not a happy camper. Even on my drive home I still wasn't sure if I was going to be able to convince myself to go, but by some miracle, I did. I went and champed out an intense leg workout, and was SO happy with myself for pushing through. It definitely turned my day around. 
While debating whether or not I should go, I of course consulted with Colleen, who offered me two key points of advice:
1. You'll never regret a workout. 
2. Skipping the gym on Monday is one of the worst things you can do. Kick off the week on a high note. 
I'm very thankful that I have someone to push me when I can't push myself.  After the gym Lee and I threw together one of my favourite meals - taco salad! It's another dish that we can make together, but can modify to our tastes. 


Today started off good too - got some work done when I got up, headed to the gym and rocked a 600 calorie burn. I'm giving my dreaded workout yesterday credit for turning this week around!

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