Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Life.. Lately

Once again I have ignored my blog for a while. What can I say? Life is BUSY. But balanced, perhaps? This is what I've been up to lately...

Friday after class I drove up to Wasaga Beach to FINALLY spend some time at the cottage with Lee and his family. This was my view for the weekend:

The weekend was even better because I got to spend the whole weekend getting kisses and winks from this little man!
I was more prepared than my last cottage weekend for this one, luckily. I brought up smoothies and pancake batter - which I think I've perfected now. Sunday Lee and I left the cottage to head to Toronto to see Train. It was about a million degrees outside, but it was nice once the sun went down.
The best thing about sitting on the lawn at the Molson Amphitheatre is the view. 
We both took Monday off, which was a great call by Lee. It let us get organized, since we didn't get home until after midnight on Sunday. Lee cleaned while I was at the gym, and cleaned more while I was cooking. What a keeper. I also spent some time hanging out by the pool at his parent's place doing homework. Unfortunately with being gone all weekend I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but I did what I could. I needed the weekend away to relax and not worry about school or work, and it definitely helped! 
Tuesday was back to the grind at school, and ended up being a long day with staying on campus for a conference call for work, and then working late Tuesday night to get caught up. 
I have a confession too - I skipped the gym Wednesday. For those who know me, this is VERY unlike me. I woke up, got out of bed, looked in the mirror and went right back to bed. I could tell it wasn't going to happen. This morning I MADE myself go. I could have gone back to bed, but I need my routine back, which means up at 4:30 and working out by 6:00am. I'm thankful I went! New PB on preacher curls today!

I have some new recipes to post, which I'll try to do in the next couple days, stay tuned :)

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